
Implementation Committee Roadmap

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 What questions is the Implementation Committee addressing? We have spent the first months reviewing documents and developing a roadmap for our deliberations. This follows the guidance of the ADHO Governance Proposals and other documents shared with us.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Our draft roadmap is:

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  • Financial Model: Develop one or more recommendations around the financial model for ADHO. How are funds collected? How are they disbursed between ADHO and COs? We need to figure out how finances work for COs (Constituent Organization) that don’t use DSH/Oxford University Press for membership. We need to figure out what happens to activities that are not designated core. Note: Proposed Financial Scenarios is now available for comment.
  • Constituent Organization Board (COB): Once we have a sense of the financial model then we can proceed to make decisions about the COB, specifically the membership of the COB, decision processes, how new COs are added, and voting rights.
  • Executive (President, Treasurer, Secretary): We could simultaneously address the question of the ADHO Executive. Exactly what is the composition, how are they appointed/elected, what are their responsibilities, and do any of them get reimbursed for their work.
  • SIGs and AOs: We would then look at the question of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Associate Organizations (AOs). How would SIGs get recognized and would they get funds? Note: Proposed ADHO SIGs, Associate, and Affiliate Organization Recommendations are now available for comment.
  • Subcommittees: Then we will turn to the ADHO subcommittees and check what was recommended for them. We will develop terms of reference and discuss membership on the committees. Note: Committee Recommendations are now available for comment.

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 We realize the roadmap will change as we proceed and as we get feedback. For the moment this is what we are working on. Please comment on this post or send us feedback on this if you think we are missing key questions.

Source: https://change.adho.org/implementation-committee-roadmap/